heather barton osteopath and athletic therapist

Heather is a Montreal osteopath D.O. and athletic therapist BSc. Exercise Science with over 20 years’ clinical experience, and is a former professional ballet dancer.

Her wide experience in performance and sports rehabilitation has taught her to look for the underlying cause of her clients’ pain & dysfunction, focusing on freeing up restrictions in the body and improving mobility, alignment and movement patterns.

A passionate therapist, she loves helping people of all ages feel stronger, happier and more confident in their own bodies.

Her special interests include:

• sports injury rehabilitation and injury prevention

• pregnancy and postnatal care, women’s health

• hip and low back issues

• performance (dancers, singers, musicians, athletes of all kinds)

• stress management

Always looking to deepen her knowledge and skills, she regularly takes advanced courses in both osteopathy and movement-based rehabilitation.

She works equally in both french and english and is currently practicing in Westmount, Québec.

Heather is a member of Ostéopathie Québec, The Canadian Athletic Therapists Association (CATA) and the Corporation de Thérapeutes du Sport du Québec (CTSQ).


245 Victoria avenue, suite 220

Westmount, Québec


“By far the best osteopath I've seen. The level of knowledge, support, advice, and listening is extraordinary. Practical results and overall lifestyle improvement. She is entirely on another level. You can feel that she genuinely cares about your well-being and improvement.”

-Kevin S.

“Wow, now my diaphragm doesn’t feel like it’s stuck in peanut butter! I feel like a million bucks.”

-Basia Bulat

“People ask me how I’m coping with the crazy stress of the past few months and the answer is- my amazing osteopath, Heather Barton! Seeing her regularly through this time has been a lifesaver.”

-Shari Okeke

“The way Heather works feels like magic! Her extensive knowledge of osteopathy and sports therapy are quite amazing together. I've had many sessions with her ranging from fixing a traumatic injury to working on injury prevention and every session has been successful. If you play sports I highly recommend seeing Heather not only for injuries but also to learn and strengthen your body.”

-Kate S.

“Thank you for helping me have a much happier second pregnancy. I felt so much stronger, more mobile, and better able to navigate each stage of it this time around.”

-Elisheva San Nicolas

”I've gone to Heather many times, always for different issues (thanks, ageing). She is wonderful! Kind, considerate, and a great listener: she really cares. Also, she knows her stuff. After going to many osteopaths, I've finally found my forever expert. Recommend!”

-Joshua Levy

"Yesterday I spent an hour shovelling wet snow that felt like a ton of bricks. With every shovelful I was thinking, "Thank you, Heather, for keeping me strong and ready for life."

-Alexandra Haedrich

“You truly are a miracle worker - my back has been pretty much back to normal since our session, even after a 7hr flight! ”

-Julia Stanfield